How Can Women Begin To Recognize Their Core Value?
If we bring new ideas about what we want that is different to the original expectation of the relationship, we fear and risk confrontation with a spouse or a loved one, misunderstandings, turbulence, or possibly losing a partner. We also fear and risk being vulnerable, being laughed at, ridiculed or put down. How can women minimize the fear and begin to talk about their innermost feelings and heartfelt desires with their partner after being complacent and ‘comfortable’ for many years in the relationship? After all, couldn’t this be an opportunity to enrich a relationship and open up lines of communication? Perhaps not, women so often keep quiet just to keep their marriage together, keep the peace or to keep from "rocking the boat." Meanwhile, when we are not talking or voicing our true interests and desires, we are choosing to live with the inner turbulence, inner tug-o-war, inner chatter and recurrent ‘calling’ on our heart’s desires. Is that kind of life preferably better t...